How are patrons getting in and out of the precinct?

There are ample public transport options to the site. Tickets will automatically be integrated into the public transport system: any ticket holder can travel by train or bus to arrive and depart.

Visit our GETTING THERE page for more information.

Will there be enough public transport services at the right times to move everyone?

We consult with Transport NSW throughout the planning process. Should additional services are required for an event, Transport NSW will be able to provide them.

What about Track Work?

With enough notice, Transport NSW can move scheduled track work times to not clash with the venue’s activation. If these works cannot be rescheduled, additional bus services will be provided to move the expected number of patrons.

Will there be any cars coming in or out of the precinct?

The venue has a strict no parking policy for ticket holders but we still expect that patrons will utilise rideshare and taxi services to access the precinct. 

Operational vehicles such as emergency services and artist shuttles will be allowed access, and staff will be directed to park at an external location and walk a short distance to the venue. 

Please note that this only during activation/show days, as the precinct will remain fully open to the public during occupation/build days.

Will there be any Road Closures? 

Yes. These will be the small residential roads that directly feed into the precinct. These roads will only be closed for a short amount of time during the egress of the events. This is a measure we are taking to protect the amenity of the neighbourhood. Residents of these streets will have unhindered access to their roads of course.

We will have a traffic management company overseeing these closures and managing vehicle access throughout all occupation dates. 

How will you know who is a resident?

Residents will be issued with a vehicle pass for the duration of the activation period.

Will alcohol be sold? 

Yes, the venue will be licensed.

Will the venue allow U18s? 

On a case by case basis. We want the venue to be enjoyed by all members of the community and we want our kids to be a part of what we do.

How are you allowed to use public land for commercial use? 

The Master Plan of Management for Tempe Reserve as commissioned by the Inner West Council in 2020 states that this exact parcel of land should be made available as an event space and event producers should be encouraged to utilise the space for this very purpose.  

As event managers, we often activate public spaces to further the cultural side of the city. The spaces we create allow artists to perform, artisans to trade and audiences to have access to the arts.

How will you handle drug use and antisocial behaviour?

We have a strict no drugs policy; this is implemented by highly trained security presence and bag checks to ensure no drugs are entering the precinct. Within the site, we will have medical services and peer-to-peer support staff to assist in case of intoxication, as well as party safe messaging throughout all our communications.

How will you stop disruptive behaviour in the surrounding neighbourhood once the event is finished? 

Communicating to patrons to leave in a quiet and orderly manner, having transport options to move people away directly out the front of the venue and a redeployment of security and police in the precinct for an hour after the venue closes.

This is a highly residential area - what about the noise? 

We address noise pollution in several ways. Primarily in the venue design and stage orientation, in monitoring throughout the events by a sound engineer that can feed back sound level data in real time to adjust levels and frequencies as required, as well as selecting a PA system that can provide clear sound for patrons with very little rear spill. 

Furthermore, a qualified acoustic engineer with specific expertise in live entertainment has developed a noise management plan specific for this venue. This plan is then approved by Council’s acoustic engineers and will be compliant with EPA guidelines. 

Who are the organisers?

We are Architects of Entertainment: an events management and production company that specialises in large scale activations. 

We have designed and produced some of the largest major events in Australia such as Splendour in The Grass, Fairgrounds, Laneway, and even overseas!

Most of the AOE team are Inner West residents and so this venue and our proposed activations hit quite literally close to home. It is in our personal and professional interest to be thorough and meticulous in our processes and deliver events that our community would enjoy and benefit from. We believe The Village Green has the potential to become an important aspect of the Inner West arts and cultural calendar.

Visit our DOWNLOADS page to read our Company Profile.